Our Girls

Carroy Peppermint McPutnam

Carroy Lavender O'Nials

Carroy Tory Katie O'Kieran

CH Riverview Carroy Miss Independence

​GCH CH Carroy Tory Summer Rain Of Glenn Eyrie

Beautiful girls born at Carroy 
and proudly co-owned with good friends.

CH Carroy Rare Gem McJames

CH Carroy Jada PS of Tory

Ch. Carroy Rare Gem McJames  "Gemma"

Sire - Ch. Carroy Ulysses of Gentor
Dam - Ch. Fleetwind Carroy Lucky Charm

Ch. Riverview Carroy Miss Independence O"Cos

Sire - GChS Fleetwind Carroy Cosgrove Con'An
Dam - Carroy Riverview Cadimhe McAiden

Ch. Carroy Jada P S of Tory

Sire - GCh. Fleetwind Carroy Aiden
Dam - Ch. Carroy Ciara McDermot

GCh. Carroy Tory Summer Rain Of Glenn Eyrie

Sire - GChB Glenn Eyrie's Justified
Dam - Ch. Carroy Jada P S of Tory
Carroy Katie O'Kieran

Sire - CH Carroy Kieran McDuncan
Dam - CH Fleetwind Carroy Lucky Charm

Shown at 9 months of age at the
Inland Empire Hound show
Carroy Lavender O'Nials

Sire - Fleetwind Wolfhouse Untitled Compsition
Dam - CH Riverview Carroy Miss Independence O'Cos

Shown here at 8 months of age, being awarded
 Best Puppy at IWAWC Specialty by breeder/judge
 Per Lundstrum from Sweden
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Carroy Peppermint McPutnam

Sire - Fleetwind Putnam    
Dam - CH Riverview Carroy Miss Independence O'Cos

Shown here at 8 months of age winning the 5-9 month puppy bitch class at the annual Gathering of the Cu